Why Is It is So Important to Have a Purpose?

Having a purpose is all about finding what activities make you happy, while at the same time being able to use your natural talents to pursue them. Then, it’s all about getting so involved and absorbed with your passion, that you completely lose track of time. How do you then find your purpose?

It’s simple. Just follow your joy. When you feel joy, it is such a powerful emotion that it speaks the truth from the depths of your subconscious. Think of the things that have brought you joy in the past. Next, make a list of those times, and look for a pattern. Having a purpose in life is vitally important! Studies have shown that having a purpose leads to a longer healthier, wealthier life. According to a 2010 study published in Applied Psychology, people who have a purpose live longer.

2016 study published in the Journal of Research and Personality found that: “individuals who feel a sense of purpose make more money than individuals who feel as though their works lack meaning.” There’s some solid motivation for finding a purpose.

Go find your purpose, it doesn’t have to change the world, it just has to engage your passion. Once you’ve found it, go live a longer, happier, healthier, wealthier life! And teach your children the importance of having a purpose!

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